Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It Was An Amazing Weekend

The Walking Cookies
Me, Peggy (VA), Marina (TX), Emily (OH), Shanna (VA), Chris (PA), Leslie (OH)

This was taken just before we left the hotel for the send off of the walk.

It really was an amazing experience.

I have so many details to share, but not enough time to share them right now.

We started with 7 walkers on our team, but only 3 of us completed the walk. Sadly, blisters wreaked havoc on our friends. It was hard for them to stop and I admire their persistence in trying to finish.

Sleeping in a tent city isn't really all its cracked up to be, however showering in an 18 foot truck trailer can be fun. ;-)

Drink your Gatorade or you will require an IV.

It rained Sunday - a lot. Thank heavens for shower caps and Chris! She showed us how to put the shower caps on our sneakers to help keep them dry.

We have the best friends a person could ask for. 11 Cookies from across the country traveled to DC to cheer us on and many more wore their Cookies For A Cure Shirts all weekend to show their support.


1 comment:

Scarehaircare said...

Sooooo wished I could have been there! WTG!